You are Someone, Do Something

YOU are someone, DO SOMETHING

One day I passed a guy on broke down on the road and thought to myself “someone should help him!” and immediately felt convicted and thought..”you ARE someone.”

It’s called the Bystander Effect - a social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases in which individuals do not offer any means of help to a victim when other people are present. The greater number of bystanders, the less likely it is that any of them will help. This is due to everyone believing that someone else will help and in turn, no one does. Just as in this world today with how much change we need. We all want change in this world, but we expect someone else to do it. Just as we get thrown off when someone does something amazing for us and in turn say “there are still good people in this world” or “there is still hope in humanity.” We should strive daily to be that hope and to be that change, but how many of us are willing to change our life for this change to happen?

We so easily pass by situations, moments, even people where we should do something, yet leave it up to others. We don’t even do this in harm, but in belief that someone else will take care of it.

Whether that is leaving it up to others to…

…help someone in need rather than us stepping up and serving

…change rather than us taking initiative to be the change

…lead us into becoming better people instead of taking initiative to lead ourselves


In other words, TAKE INITIATIVE! 

When you have a moment you’re capable of helping someone, take it.

When you have a moment you’re able to love someone, take it.

When you have a moment you are able to BE the change, BE it.


We have to stop waiting on the world to change itself. It won’t happen.

Don’t put it on other people to be the change. You must be it first. 


Just like going in church on Sunday…we can go in believing it is up to the pastor, the worship team, the staff, the volunteers etc to show others who God is and to show the love of God…but God doesn’t only work on Sundays and He doesn’t only work on and through the people working/serving at the church. You are someone just as they are and God can use you just as He uses them. Monday through Saturday is where the work is done, Sunday is when you get the assignment.

Also, too often our faith relies on our pastors relationship with God rather than our own. We expect the pastor to motivate us on Sunday, to teach us the scripture of the week, to fix our brokenness, etc etc. We lack taking initiative with our faith. God speaks to you too, not just the pastor of your church. You can read the Bible just as your pastor can and you can pray just as he can as well. We have to step up in owning our faith rather than borrowing the ones leading us. I bring this up because in this situation we do nothing and rely on others to change us. We can easily look at leaders as people who carry us on their back, when truly we need to take the steps ourselves walking by them. Leaders are not here to carry you, they are here to give you direction and teach you how to direct others. 

(Back to the blog…)

YOU are someone, DO SOMETHING

YOU are worthy

YOU are chosen

YOU were created for this

YOU are capable




YOU must get up

YOU must get uncomfortable sometimes

YOU must not leave it up to someone else

YOU must take initiative



God didn’t put a burden on your heart for no reason. He didn’t bring something that needed to change to your attention for no reason. There is purpose in what burdens you. 

If we are all waiting on change, we will never become it.

If we all become change, we will begin to see it.

One day at a time!

Turn Your Walls Into Mountains

Many times in my life I have been told I need a reality check. Whether it’s in going through a hard time or the big dreams I have to accomplish. But none the less, my answer is always “reality is what you make of it.”

We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses
— Abraham Lincoln

In a time where the world is trying to teach us that reality is reality..we must dare to think. We must stop looking at the things we go through as walls and start turning them into mountains! We have to stop believing things are unattainable, unachievable, we will never get through something or that we are not good enough. 

We get messed up because we look towards ourself when we have a hard time in life rather than looking to God. We want to guide our own steps, we want control, we think WE can fix it on our own….but we weren’t created to be on our own nor is anything we go through. 

Our problems become walls because we want to do it ourselves, but getting over a wall that is bigger than you with nothing and no one around to help is impossible. 

When we look to God in our problems, they become mountains. They become attainable through Him and His guidance. There becomes purpose and you realize that every struggle leads to strength. You don’t climb a mountain without becoming stronger. The wall might seem quicker (as us taking things into our own hands seems like a good idea), but we were created for the mountain (there lies purpose of who you are to become within the mountains of your life).

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
— Proverbs 3:5-6

God will not give you a mountain that you are incapable of climbing with Him, but that does not by any means mean that the mountain will be easy to climb. It’s not a helicopter ride to the top! God gives you this mountain to climb because He trusts and created you to make a path for others to make it to the top as well. 

See, we go through hell to get others to heaven. So as you are climbing this mountain (going through these hard times), you are being set up to help someone who will one day go through the same thing, but is unable to get through it alone (you set the trail for an easier path to the top of the mountain). Now we have many times in life we want to hide what we have been through and we want to cover up our trail….but your hike becomes your story and your path becomes someone else’s salvation. 

So stop trying to get through the wall and start climbing the mountain God created you for. Be courageous in your story and be bold enough to share it. Someone out there is looking for the same trail you are on. 

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
— Romans 5:3-5



Feel free to share and comment! I will be posting another Blog next Friday.